Hans-Arne's Photos...

This is a blog I made for my own, but also to share some of my pictures taken with my Nikon D300. They who are so lucky to find this blog might be more than average interested in photos, and I hope they enjoy the visit. Remember that pictures are for sharing...

All the pictures in here are of cause my private property and are copy-protected unless otherwise stated.

I assume that not all of you will respect this and thats just sad, but I can’t control everything in this world anyway.

I might also put notes and comments with the pictures, but not always…!

Thanks for listening and enjoy the pictures...! And remember, there might be more pictures than shown on first page. Use "Older Posts" to wiew the rest... And I would appreciate constructive feedback and comments on my pictures...
(Both languages Norwegian and English is good...!!)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Airport Train Station "underground"...

Have added a couple of more copys of this one. The top one is still the same, the second one is treated in Capture NX and the lower one is a black & white copy of the second one... It's possible there is no difference in most peoples eyes but there is one... (At least with the middle and bottom one...)

1 comment:

  1. Dette bildet likte jeg. Her syntes jeg midtstillingen av det sentrale i bildet går helt fint. Jerbaneskinnene leder øynene inn i bildet, og der fanger radene med mennesker blikket videre. Eneste som "uroer" hjernen min etter en stund, er at den gjerne vil se litt mer av hva som skjuler seg i forgrunnen til venstre i bildet. Litt mere lys der - gjerne kun nok til å skimte silluetter og konturer - men litt lys der ville gjøre et ellers bra bilde, enda litt bedre. Men, det blir bare pirk :-). Tenkte en stund på om det hadde gjort seg som sort-hvitt bilde, men er usikker på om den ekstra dybden som menneskene i forskjellig fargede klær gir, ville forsvinne?
